Welcome to Insurance Salvage

ATTENTION ALL DEALERS: Due to our system launch, the following must occur in order to bid our future sales:
1. Bidders who attend in person must acquire new photo badges and MUST $$$$ CHECK IN prior to each sale. Our new system will only accept your bid if we have verified your ID and scanned your badge into the system.

2. Auction's website now requires you to login to view sale information. Your login will be your first name plus your buyer number (example: Robert2222). Your password will remain the same if you have logged in previously using Auto Pool. If you are a new dealer, you must create a password.

1. You should be able to login the same way you have in the past. If you are a first time user, please follow the simple instructions.

2. If you have any problems navigating our newly updated website, please contact Martin Buzenberg at 800-555-5555 ext. 555

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